Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Drive Thru's and The End of the World

Will Drive-Thru’s be the end of the world? Well, maybe.

The City of Los Angeles voted to lift a ban on drive-thru this week. The ban was in place because of the congestion it caused on the streets. The vote to lift the ban was because drive-thru operations bring in lots of revenue and the city needs revenue.

Leadership is about guiding an organization to a better place. Unfortunately, throughout the world (and the United States) leadership is failing because they have become shortsighted and the new vote is just one example.

The real drive behind the original ban was to stop the growth of unhealthy fast-food restaurants in areas of LA. The bill only passed because of the argument about traffic congestion.

In lifting the ban, not only is leadership ignoring the health consequences (come on down, unhealthy fast food), intelligence consequences (new studies show smog reduces IQ in children), environmental consequences (smog, gas, CO2 levels), and the traffic consequences (accidents, death, time delays). And why, because the shine of money today carries more weight than the costs that come three months later.
Will this vote end the world? Not likely, but the path is leading down a dark road toward a cliff.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A real 4th of July

In 1864, you could shake the president's hand. Since 1964, the president has been behind Plexiglas: sometimes it's real Plexiglas, sometimes it's political Plexiglas, sometimes it's donor Plexiglas.

On this July 4th, a day of declared independence and revolution, think of the Internet and twitter as your opportunity to break through the Plexiglas. Think of the facts that are devoid of politics and being re-elected: health care issues which lead to debt issues, which lead to IRS issues, which lead to freedom issues.

Ask - no demand - that our leaders quit being politicians and do their job. If they don't, let them know they will be removed from office. The Internet, Facebook, twitter, etc. - they change everything. No longer do you need millions of dollars to be heard and our elected leaders are about to find out leadership no longer needs to be elected!!!!!!!! We can change the world - and we need to realize it is up to us - because our leaders are politicians first and leaders of the greatest democracy in the free world second.