Tuesday, March 10, 2009

From the mouth of babes....

My mother, a teacher, was cleaning out papers and had the following in a file marked 'Suggestions for Teachers'. I thought the current political leaders should take note:

  • Don't give me everything I ask for. Sometimes, I am just testing to see how much I can get.
  • Don't keep changing your mind. Make up your mind and stick to it.
  • Let me do as much as I can for myself. That's how I learn. If you do everything for me, I will never be able to do anything for myself.
  • Don't tell lies in front of me or ask me to tell lies about you. It makes me feel bad.

Monday, March 2, 2009

What? Nothings happened yet after billions?

Patience - the capacity or habit of being patient.

We are an immediate gratification culture in many ways. Why should we be different in waiting for recovery?

Use this time to adapt to change, renew friendships, and prepare for the new world.